Transforming healthcare financing

Craig Bida, Renee Ngamau and Dr. Moka Lantum

Dr. Moka Lantum and Renee Ngamau understand that an inability to pay for healthcare services often dictates whether someone can live a healthy life and, in many cases, receive life-saving care. That’s why they founded CheckUps COVA, a Kenya-based startup that’s expanding access to quality healthcare for patients throughout Africa. Through a pay-as-you-go subscription model, services can be paid for through daily, budget-friendly installments.

After writing and designing a profile of Moka for the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health’s “Public Health Champions” campaign, we had the privilege of meeting up with both him and Renee during a talk at Babson College. The lively discussion was moderated by Hairpin’s own Craig Bida (Partner & Strategist). We’ve also been honored to provide support to CheckUps COVA as they design their brand strategy and visual identity.